The Life & Work Transformation for High Performers

A 20-week program for high performers to overcome people-pleasing, doubt & imposter syndrome and step into clarity, confidence & empowerment in their life and career.


Deep down, you know there is a vibrant and more joyous life for you.

What would life be like if you liked yourself more?

Another year has gone by, and you feel like you’re treading water.

You value health, creativity, service, and freedom, but your current work and life don’t match those values.

You want to be spiritually and emotionally free, but now, you have the lingering thought that you’re not “enough,” even though you’ve achieved so much.

You constantly give more to others than you do to yourself, and you jokingly call yourself a “people pleaser,” even though it stings inside.

At night, you reach for the biscuits and the chocolate because it seems like the only “out.”

Introducing The Life & Work Transformation

You’ll go from stagnant and stuck to fulfilled and free

The Life & Work Transformation is a no-fluff ten-week program for stuck high performers who want to regain their vitality and joy. It’s a toolkit for creating a thriving and fulfilling life and career. The program includes weekly group teaching calls, exercises to integrate teachings, highly personalized weekly feedback, access to a community of other high performers, and group coaching sessions.

Rebecca’s Life & Work Testimonial

The Three Focus Areas

Ideal Life

Design your ideal life, define your purpose, and define your values. This is the anchor section that we will come back to as you start to move toward living your purpose.

Overcoming Obstacles

Once you’ve defined your ideal life, we will look at what’s standing in the way. This includes setting boundaries, understanding your harsh inner critic, and practicing self-compassion.


It’s not enough to state your purpose.
We have to take action. We will design your non-negotiables, take courageous action, set attainable goals, and learn to celebrate.

Topics Covered

  • Because houses aren’t just for Barbie & Ken

  • Because if you stand for everything, you stand for nothing.

  • Because you’re not here to take a paycheck and die.

  • Because you can set boundaries without feeling like a bitch.

  • Because you will encounter assholes, but you don’t have to be one to yourself.

  • Because you need a method to help set boundaries.

  • Because you are not a robot and ChatGPT can’t make you one.

  • Because you can’t do great things if you’re burned out.

  • Because your belief systems hold you back from living your dreams

  • Because my clients achieve some big shit.

How My Clients Have Transformed

Who I Built This Course For

The Seeking High Performer

You’re like Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love, waking up on the bathroom floor thinking, “This isn’t the life I want to be living.”

You value freedom, health, creativity, connection, and service, but your life and career doesn’t mirror that

You want a more soul-nourishing career where you impact people’s lives directly and can see that your work makes the world a better place

You struggle with stories like, “I’m not good enough,” and “Who would pay me to do that?”

You have poor boundaries and often feel like you’re people-pleasing and being taken advantage of, but you don’t know how to stop

You have a messy relationship history, and you fear that you may never be in a loving relationship

The Exhausted High Performer

You’re a high achiever, and you’re on the right track with your career, but you are very harsh to yourself and feel like nothing is ever good enough

You often struggle with communication with direct reports or managing upwards and have friction with your boss

You want to set the world on fire and make a huge impact, but at times you’re crippled with self-doubt and imposter syndrome

Work comes at the cost of your health

You reach for the lollies and the chocolate when things get hard, and your workouts get put on the back burner

You yearn to keep achieving but also without losing their essence

You feel disconnected from your vitality and energy

You have people-pleasing tendencies and want to be nice and helpful but don’t like confrontation

The Triggered High Performer

You’re a high achiever, but you have trouble with your emotions. You often erupt in anger or shut down.

You have intense feelings and fears of failure and people finding out that you’re not good enough

You want to be in control all the time and when you’re not, you flip out

You hate the parts of yourself (the anger, procrastination, overwhelm, self-criticism) that hold you back from the person you want to be

You constantly compare yourself to others and the comparison sends you into a spiral

You have guilt when you’re not working

You’re highly irritable and things set you off easily

You can achieve so much in your life and career but feel like you’re at war with yourself

Training & Certifications

  • Certified Life Coach - Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coaching

  • Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

  • Associate Certified Coach - International Coaching Federation

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy

  • Masters of Creative Writing - the University of Technology Sydney

  • Conscious Business by Fred Koffman - LinkedIn

From burnout to living the life of my dreams

In 2020, I was diagnosed with burnout and my doctor told me that if I kept going, I may not be able to work again. 
It was the wake up call I needed to change my life. 

That year, I resigned from LinkedIn after seven years. It was the first day of the rest of my life. 

But, I knew if I really wanted to change, I had to put in boundaries. I had to develop self-compassion. I had to stop pushing myself so hard and realise that my worthiness was not tied to my performance at work. 

And I had to start living my dreams.

For years I had dreamed of becoming a coach and going back to school for creative writing. I enrolled in a Masters in Creative Writing. I started my life coach training with Martha Beck (Oprah’s life coach!). I met my beautiful partner. Suddenly, a trap door of energy opened. 

When I had previously been exhausted, I was now vibrating with creative energy. My coaching business thrived. My first short story was published in a writer’s anthology. My relationship with my partner blossomed. Even my dog stopped barking all the time. 

I’ve spent more than a thousand hours coaching high performers and helping them transform their lives. I’ve watched clients transform their health, their careers, their relationships, and change the way they see themselves and the world.

It happened to me. It will happen for you. 

Because the magic happens when we show up for ourselves. 


  • 20 group calls each Friday from July 12, 2024 to November 22nd 2024 at 9 AM -10 AM AEDT.

  • Group coaching calls are held every other week to cement the concepts and help you implement and practice them in your daily life.

  • Weekly integrative exercises and highly personalized feedback so you can have research-backed tools instead of having to sift through hours of podcasts and read dozens of self-help books ($5K value).

  • Bonus section salary negotiation, meditations, purpose masterclass, boundary masterclass, and getting clarity on your career ($2K value).

  • Early bird pricing: $3,345 AUD (5 spots only)

  • Early bird pricing payment play: 4 monthly payments of $919.87

  • Pricing increases to $3,985 AUD after May

  • Payment Plan: 4 monthly payments of $1,095 AUD

Payment plans available on request. 


  • Each week, you will post your assignments on the community platform. I review everyone’s assignments and give them individual feedback before our group coaching call. Spaces are very limited in the container, so there will be individually tailored feedback as well as feedback in the group coaching calls. If you feel like you want extra individual attention, you can purchase a 1:1 session with Hannah or join the VIP program where you will get a 1:1 session.

  • The calls will be every Friday from 9AM - 10AM AEST. If you are in the US, the calls will be Thursday at 4PM PST.

  • There will be a one-hour call per week plus the integrative exercises to help you absorb the teachings. Allocate 2-3 hours total per week.

  • Yes! All of the calls will take place over Zoom. As long as you’re able to join the Friday 9 AM AEST (6 PM EST/3 PM PST on Thursdays), you can dial in from anywhere.

  • Given the nature of coaching, you get out what you put in. This program will accelerate you, but only if you show up and do the work. As such, there are no refunds.

  • Coaching differs from therapy because it’s action-oriented and geared toward accelerating the client forward versus looking backward. Coaching is about acceleration and therapy is about stabilization. You will work on specific skills each week and get “homework” assignments to practice these skills.

  • My client base is 50/50, split between male-identifying and female-identifying clients. I’ve seen huge transformations with my male-identifying clients, and I enjoy coaching all high performers who want to develop a stronger relationship with themselves and find purpose in their lives.

  • Yes, I have many clients whose employers pay for their coaching fees. You can ask HR if there is an education or development budget. You can find talking points on approaching your manager or employer to help pay for the program HERE.

  • I have a version of this program for leadership teams. If you have a corporate request, please email